With the warm weather, there are various new methods and preparations for weight loss. But which ones really work? “There’s no guarantee” says the leading Czech obesitologist MUDr. Taťána Staňková from the Center for Metabolism and Nutrition Disorders at the Polyclinic at Národní in Prague. “If you need to lose two or three pounds for a summer dress, it doesn’t matter if you just drink water with lemon like Beyonce for a few days or choose some other dietary hit. But if you want to take fifteen pounds or more, you run risksŮ says MUDr. Taťána Staňková. Special diets based on human habitus, eight-hour diets, various holy grails, chili peppers and popular liquid diets of all kinds – none of this is an absolute weight loss formula. “Some diets may help you not to eat from morning to evening or to force you to reduce your food intake. But the list below is better, ”says Dr Staňková. Here it is:
- soluble fibers,
- as much protein as possible,
- as little carbohydrates as possible,
- as few calories as possible.
„At the same time, it there should be a balance all the recommendations of daily doses of vitamins, minerals and trace elements,” says MUDr. Taťána Staňková and adds: “It doesn’t matter how often you eat and eat during the day. The only thing that is important is that the income of calories is less than the output of energy. Exercise is not necessarily a precondition.“